MCKK named Apple Distinguished School
PRESS RELEASE (DRAFT) MCKK named Apple Distinguished School Kuala Kangsar, Perak — Oct 03, 2022 — The Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) is pleased to announce that it has been […]
‘Everyone Can Code’ in Learning
Everyone Can Create ‘Everyone Can Code’ in Basic Computer Science Beginning in 2016, the Basic Computer Science subject has begun adapting the Everyone Can Code module in learning. Teachers use […]
National AR Challenge 2021
The STEM AR Challenge was held on the 20th and 21st of November 2021 in Conference Halls 1, 2 and 3 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Four Form 3 […]
MCKK Apple Teacher
We are Apple Teacher Teachers’ commitment to having an iPad for practice and teaching use. We believe that by making changes in yourself, it will have a significant impact […]
Action Research on Learning with iPad
[Sample], [Selected], [All]
Mohd Razif dianugerahi Apple Distinguished Educator
Swift Coding Club MCKK
Swift Coding Club
Visual Note-taking using iPad
Visual Note-taking using iPad With the use of digital visual-note taking, students produce interesting and effective visual brief notes. Visual note-taking using iPad is improving the learning culture making students to […]
Principal’s Foreword
The vision for ADS in MCKK is to empower leaners to be creators who believe their work matters. Creators, who are critical thinkers, having able to collaborate ideas and later […]