
MCKK Creativity & Innovation Showcase Day 2022

MCKK Creativity & Innovation Showcase Day is an annual program that showcases students’ talents in the field of creativity and digital innovation. In this program, various activities are carried out, including live streaming sessions, demonstrations and competitions. Look forward to the excitement of the in i program which will be organized on 12 August 2022. MCKK Creativity and Innovation Programmes with Apple Technology officiated by the YB Senator Tengku Zafrul, Malaysian Minister of Finance.

2022 MCKK Creative Week

MCKK Creative Week is organised 5 times a year for each batch involving all MCKK students with MCKK PTA support. In this bootcamp program, students are challenged to develop digital content in groups.

The following is a sample of student work. 

2021 MCKK Learning Festival

MCKK Learning Fest recorded 2,497 entries in 11 hands-on workshops, 143 competition entries, over 11,500 views on Youtube (as of June 13, 10 pm for 11 events broadcast live streaming, 120 students ‘hanging out’ at the Clubhouse for 5 consecutive nights discussing exciting themes in creativity, and 12 mentoring sessions at Discord with industry activists / coaches (about to begin) MCKK Learning Fest is the core of the MCKK ADS program.

MCKK Creativity & Innovation Programs with Apple Technology